Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Celebrate the End of the Maya Calendar with Viaventure

When one thinks of an ancient Mayan Site deep in the Jungle, the mind easily drifts to lost cities and Indiana Jones however many Archeological sites of today have been excavated and restored – even ‘’beautified’’ in many cases. 

There are however sill thousands of ‘’lost Maya cities’’ still hiding amongst the lush vegetation of the rainforests of Guatemala & Belize ready to be discovered.

One site that has not been restored yet – preserved in it’s very remote jungle location – is El Mirador, hailed the largest Maya site yet known it is located in the Northern part of Petén in Guatemala.

Many archaeologists speculate that El Mirador was the first major organized settlement of the Maya. The ruins are of such staggering size and proportion that they dominate more popular sites such as Tikal. Among these buildings is the immense El Tigre Pyramid that is 18 stories high and whose base covers the area of three football fields.

It is indeed an adventure to visit El Mirador. A 5 day long trek through the Jungle sleeping in hammocks in the jungle and accompanied by jungle wildlife such as tarantulas, monkeys, tapir and  Jaguars. This trek is for the Intrepid traveler amongst your clients. 

If your clients prefer to celebrate the end of the Maya Calendar with slightly more comfort Viaventure offers a wide array of archeological experiences all over Guatemala, Belize and Honduras at sites such as Tikal, Caracol and Copan….

·         Dine with an archeologist & see a presentation on his exciting excavations
·         Sunset drinks on the top of a temple
·         Comfortable camping next to an archeological site,
·         Candlelit dinner at the foot of a candlelit temple
·         Shaman rituals

There can be no better time to be promoting explorations to the Mundo Maya than on this year – 2012 - that sees the end of the 13th Bak’tun – the end of the Maya Calndar, the end of an Era, or as some fear, the end of the world perhaps?